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The doors to the world of the wild self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door. If you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Hi, I'm Mandy.

I am a certified Nature-Connected Coach & Guide (NCC) and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the ICF. I hold over 350 hours of in-depth training through Earth-Based Institute, an accredited nature-based coaching institute, focusing on trauma-informed coaching, partswork facilitation, grief and loss, rites of passage and adventure therapy. In addition, I have advanced training in somatic and attachment approaches to working with trauma with Dr. Peter Levine and Bessel Van der Kolk.

In my work, I combine my therapeutic training with my years of experience with ceremony, ancestral skills, and creative expression to meet clients where they are, and guide them towards the remembrance of their unique truth. I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts, have studied with diverse elders here and abroad, and have spent over a decade immersed in folk herbalism, and land-based ceremony.

But more than any of that, I’ve lived. Here’s part of my story…


I am a dancer. I am a writer. I am an artist. I am one who laughs and plays and loves to love. I am deeply connected to Earth and heart, story and hands. And music. I am a bridge between worlds, with the soles of my feet on the Earth and my heart oriented towards Spirit. I am a farmer. I am a medicine maker. I live in a cabin and chop my own wood to keep warm. I am a basket weaver, a fire maker, a lover of story. An apprentice to the old ways and the wisdom of the indigenous soul.

You could say that I am an expert lemonade maker. I am a dancer who lost use of her body. I am an artist who lost use of her hands. I am a lover who has grieved what I thought I would never lose, but what led me down a path to my own soul. I’m an expert at making it through and overcoming tough odds. I am a testament to the strength of a spirit that—far beyond my own conscious intent—is determined to bring its medicine into the world.

Six years ago I survived a high level spinal cord injury and mild head injury that left me paralyzed from the neck down. It has been a journey, a fight, a triumph, a struggle, a love song, a wake up call, an ongoing challenge, a sweet embrace, and the greatest blessing I could ever imagine. It is a sacred passage that has led me to find my medicine as a guide.

I am a woman who has been blessed with a wild journey through jagged terrain. And beauty. Enough to break my heart wide open. I am one who feels deeply and weeps wildly knowing that the dams of our rivers have also stopped our tears from flowing freely back to the Earth to feed a life that is yet to come.

Our tears are our healers and our challenges are our greatest blessings. It is a knowing in my bones that each of us comes to this life carrying a specific gift—a medicine. There is purpose in what we go through, and it is in the breaking apart that we are able to let the light shine on the true purpose and meaning of our lives. 


I give thanks for my wild journey that has led me now, to you—where our paths cross. I cannot wait to hear your story.

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