Guided Meditations
This is a really helpful practice called the Seven Breaths passed down from Tom Brown Jr. that can help strengthen our capacity to tap into what we are feeling and actually learn to listen to the voice of the soul, increasing our ability to hear our own instinct, intuition and deep wisdom.
TREE BREATHING Health, Relationship & Reciprocity — One of my favorite ways to stop, slow down, and reconnect is to do a little thing I call “tree breathing”. It takes about 5 minutes. And the practice does wonders for your health and the health of the land.
A SIMPLE PRACTICE THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING. There is a very simple practice that has the potential to literally change your life. It’s one of those practices that seems so simple that it is hard to believe it’s worth the extra time in the morning to do it. It’s hard to believe it actually has the potential to change your life. But truthfully, it most certainly has changed mine.
HOW A SIT SPOT PRACTICE CAN BENEFIT YOUR HEALTH & THE LAND Including Scientific Proof (that nature is awesome) — We have evolved over the past 2 million years from the land, as the land, and living closely with the land. Relationship with the land is hard wired into our DNA. Without physical contact, we become unwell, out of balance, and sick. The practice of a sit spot is something so beautifully simple, filling our hearts with life, mystery, and nourishing the longing for belonging we all have. A simple practice with benefits that are immense for your health and for the land itself.
We get lost. It is a given. It’s almost built right into the story of our lives. You are not a total failure to get lost. In a way—you are right on track. It’s the getting lost and then finding our way that is this great adventure we are all on. It has taught me a great deal to look back at the map of my life and see where I’ve “gotten lost” and where I’ve placed a cairn turning a new direction. If you want to find out a lot about yourself—where you’ve been and where you’re going—map out your trail. Map it on paper, or try mapping it on the land.
This is a classic tool. The life wheel. Simple, straightforward, and always very informative. Doesn’t take long to do, and yields a tremendous amount of insight into which parts of your life are getting time, energy and attention—and which are not.
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“Today is the only day change exists. Change today and your entire life will be altered. Don’t change today, and tomorrow will be exactly like today, forever.” —Ariel Banayan Whether you are cultivating a practice of morning exercise, meditation, journaling, drinking tea mindfully, prayer, connecting with nature, you are carving out time for yourself. Time for the self that you value and honor, for your deeper self and for the self you’d like to be more of in the world. To really step into the changes we want to see in ourselves and in our lives, we have got to practice everyday for long enough that it just becomes our everyday practice.