Old Ways Wisdom
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Ritual Art + Ancestral Skills + Sacred Storywork

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Old Ways Wisdom offers nature-based soul work in conjunction with ancestral arts and earth skills at the place where the mountains and the plains meet on the front range of Colorado.


We are in service to the remembrance of our wild selves;

To a partnership between nature, creativity and soul;

And to the wisdom carried in our bones waking us up to what is most important in our lives.

We believe that the way forward is intimately connected to the ways of our ancestors and our relationship with the land.

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The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés
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Who we are

Hello, I’m Mandy.

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I’m the founder of Old Ways Wisdom and I'm a nature-based ritualist and guide dwelling on a small farm in the front range of Colorado. I’m also a folk-herbalist, an artist, a dancer, a weaver and an overall lover of life. In all of my musings I am following a golden thread of relationship to self, land and spirit, continually apprenticing to the Mystery and the old ways.

My work and my life is deeply informed by my own lived experience recovering from a traumatic spinal cord injury and head injury, and the ways I’ve discovered to guide myself through the emotional and spiritual healing from this experience. Shapeshifting how I tell my story and learning to make and create with the land are some of what has helped me through challenging times, and what I love to share with others that I mentor.


Hear about my story and how this body of work came about.

Time Stamps:
Who I Am & What I Do - 0:26
My Story of Surviving Trauma - 1:14
The Secondary Layer of Healing - 5:10
The Meaning of It All (Guiding Others) - 8:03
Ways I Work with People - 13:20
My Message to You - 15:55

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our offerings

Nature-Based Soul Work

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Whether we are diving deep into Sacred Storywork and ritual art, making medicine or weaving baskets with our hands

we believe all of these paths lead to the same place—Soul.

Pathways for Working Together

≘ Sacred Storywork Program ≘ An 8-week program to explore your story through ritual & writing



Sacred Storywork

≘ Earth Skills  Foraging · Wildcrafting · Medicine Making ·  Weaving≘ Grief Ritual

≘ Ancestral Skills WORKSHOPS

Foraging · Wildcrafting · Medicine Making

Weaving · cordage

fire making


Upcoming Workshops


Classes & Events


past Workshops


Our Blog

Musings & Other Adventures


Our latest reflections on relationship with the land, ourselves, earth wisdom and the old ways of our ancestors.




Let’s Stay Connected!

Sign up to receive our occasional newsletter with upcoming events, Earth medicine, and other juicy tidbits for reconnecting with the Old Ways in these wild and revolutionary times.

We will always respect and protect your privacy.

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