Posts tagged life coaching
Morning Pages

A SIMPLE PRACTICE THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING ~ There is a very simple practice that has the potential to literally change your life. It’s so simple it is hard to believe it’s worth the extra time in the morning to do it. It’s hard to believe it actually has the potential to change your life. But truthfully, it most certainly has changed mine.

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Truth and Paradox

THE DANCE OF NATURE CONNECTED COACHING ~ All great truths are big enough, wide enough, and deep enough to hold great paradox. And Nature Connected Coaching is one such paradox. Masculine and feminine. Earthly and Spirit. And when these opposing forces are held together, something truly magnificent begins to alchemize.

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An Artist’s Duty

LIFE AS A WORK OF ART ~ I had a dream of a wise woman I trust and admire who was warning me that creating shifts and making changes in the culture is hard work. Slow work. I awoke thinking, yes. Maybe. But time moves fast and this life is just a blink, and what is it all for anyways?

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